Nadia Damaso

Nadia Damaso started her career on Instagram with pictures of the breakfast. By now she is considered as one of the most successful cookbook author in Switzerland and has 170,000 followers on her Instagram account.

Already with her first cookbook "Eat Better Not Less", the Engadin-born author landed a bestseller. For her second book "Eat Better Not Less - Around the World", Nadia presents Superfood, inspired by rich culinary cultures from all over the world. With her new book, Nadia again reached top one on the Swiss bestseller list and even overtook the English long-term bestseller chef Jamie Oliver. Nadia not only writes all the recipes, but she also photographs all the pictures herself.


Nadia Damasos recipe for: CACAO NIB AND PECAN COOKIES 



100 g pecans nuts
1 ripe banana
1 tsp vanilla paste
1 tbsp peanut butter, unsweetened
1 tbsp almond paste, dark
2 tbsp maple syrup
150 ml soy milk
100 g ground tiger almonds 
3 tbsp soy flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 pinch of Himalayan salt
3 tbsp cacao nibs
6 Medjool dates
Coconut oil for tin 
Cacao nibs to sprinkle 
Maple syrup for drizzling


1) Preheat the oven to 180 degrees convection. Place the pecans in the oven. Roast for 7-9 minutes, remove and chop into small pieces.

2) Mash the banana well with a fork. Add the vanilla paste, peanut butter, almond paste, maple syrup and soy milk and mix well.
In a separate bowl, mix the tiger almond flour with the soy flour, baking powder, salt, cacao nibs and the finely chopped pecans. Stone the dates, cut into small pieces and add to the flour mixture together with the banana mixture. Mix everything well.

3) Line a baking tray with baking parchment and sprinkle with a little liquid coconut oil. Place about 12 cookies of 1 tablespoon dough each on the baking tray, press gently flat (approx. 6-7 cm diameter). Spread the cacao nibs on top, sprinkle with a little maple syrup and bake in the oven for 18-20 minutes until golden brown. Remove and allow to cool.

The cookies can be kept in the freezer for up to 2 weeks.
SECRET TIP: I like them best straight from the freezer and only slightly thawed for a few minutes. They don't freeze completely and are like a refreshing cake with the bite of a real cookie - perfect as a snack in between meals to satisfy sweet cravings, or crumbled over porridge or banana ice cream.

If you like your cookies extra chocolatey, here’s how to make a simple, tasty, "sinless" chocolate sauce to drizzle on top: Mix 1 tbsp cocoa powder with 1 tbsp maple syrup and 1 tbsp melted coconut oil. Drizzle over the cookies and/or shake. For a lighter version without oil, replace the coconut oil with 1-2 tbsp soy milk and 1 tsp almond paste.



What makes you laugh?
Being able to laugh with other people! Preferably until your stomach hurts with laughter :P

What are your top 3 must-have wardrobe pieces?
A cool coat that you can combine with anything, a loose shirt, black pants that fit!

What is your favourite piece from INA KESS and why?
I have the training trousers in all colours & the light shirt to go with it! Why? The outfit is not only super mega comfortable, but depending on how you combine it, it can be worn sporty as well as chic! :)

Summer or winter?
AUTUMN haha! I love jackets, thick sweaters and comfortable trainers above all. In winter it's just often too cold, in summer too warm :P That's why autumn all the way!

What is the best thing about your job?
That I can make people happy with what I do! That I can pass on what makes me feel good so that it hopefully provokes the same to other people. For me that was, is and always will be everything! To be able to put a smile on people's faces (and stomachs ;)) and to see the radiance in their eyes is the greatest thing for me! It gives me much more back than anything else.

What inspires you?
People who go their own way, who follow their passion, who are full of energy and enthusiasm for what they do and who do everything possible for it.

New York or Paris?
I've never been to New York, Paris isn't my city, so I'd say probably New York - although I've never been there :P

How do you stay fit?
I run about 20 km a day, haha :P. I need the physical balance to be mentally fit and vice versa. When running, most of the time in nature, I get inspired for new recipes, plan all my appointments, put concepts together, talk on the phone with family and friends or I am just in my thoughts ;). I do quite a lot while running. It helps me a lot to get clarity and a good overview of everything that needs to be done. A few times each week after running I go another half hour to the gym to do a proper work out ;)

What makes you happy?
Very simple: Good food and good people ;) Oh and INA KESS clothes of course :P

INSTAGRAM: nadiadamaso_
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